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Concept 910 Series Real Time RAID Storage System

Storage Concepts, Inc.

The Concept 910 series disk storage system incorporates real-time RAID,SCSI drives and industry standard interfaces with Storage Concepts' dual-bus system architecture to deliver guaranteed performance and dataintegrity. It also offers an industry first in guaranteed sustained datarates in excess of 35 MB/second to 50 MB/second across the 32-bitExtended Differential Fast Bus (EDFB) and sustained data rates of 18MB/second across the 16-bit SCSI-2 Fast and Wide bus. This dual-busarchitecture ensures image integrity and image delivery in real-timeoperations to a large user base and is supported with an RS-232 port forremote system control and status reporting.Many features are found in the concept 910 Series that are not availablein other RAID systems. These include pluggable interfaces that provideinterchangeable system characteristics to allow multi-modality supportfor cost efficiency while maintaining the original system investment.Also available are hot-pluggable dual redundant power supplies and drivesthat can be inserted or pulled out during operation without any downtime.Our Matrix Array architecture provides on-demand increased systemperformance and capacity required in most applications. Our Matrix Arrayalso supports multiple Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) for economical systemexpansion up to 252 GBs.The Concept 910 boasts even more features such as a parity disk, Fast andWide SCSI-2 and Fibre Channel pluggable interfaces, on-the-fly errordetection and correction, and optimal redundant power supplies and systemcooling. All of these combined allow the Concept 910 to deliverguaranteed real-time performance and data integrity.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Storage Concepts, Inc.
2652 McGaw Ave
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: (714) 852-8511
        (800) 525-9712
Fax: (714) 852-8930